Angel of the Lord Angel of the Lord


What Holy Spirit wants of the world to prepare for the Kingdom of God

Holy Spirit asks four things of us to prepare for the Kingdom of God. They are each simple in principle, and clear in practice, yet unfathomably far reaching in scope of implication. The impact will be Heaven on Earth.

The four are divided into two categories — individual and collective. They indicate what individuals must do, and what we must work together in society to do as a whole.

Each category — individual and collective — is further grouped into two: spiritual and worldly. They indicate what we must do for spiritual growth, and what will solve our global problems.

Thus the four simple requests span the whole range of human affairs and concerns, laying a sure, firm foundation for the Kingdom of God.

Call them the four corners of the foundation, and the four pillars of the house of the Kingdom of God.

Individual Spiritual — Holy Spirit wants each soul to take up spiritual practice of their choosing, according to their desire and nature. Different paths are suited for different souls. Of these, two are especially effective, and a third is especially suited to accommodate current traditions of practice:

  1. Meditation — Different forms are available, but Holy Spirit has shown specific signs indicating the ease and effectiveness of one, in which the mind transcends worldly existence, attaining transcendent Spiritual Communion: Transcendental Meditation. The experience in India is known as Sat Chit Ananda — Eternal Bliss Consciousness. Transcendental Meditation is the Supreme Wisdom of the East, made easy for practice in the West.

  2. Sacred Sex — Simple, sensual practice for sexually active adults; learn basics here: Society for Sacred Sexuality

  3. Faith-based Worship — As done now, but updated according to Holy Spirit's Revelation, as it relates to both theology (doctrine of belief) and polity (religious organization and structure). The path of following in this tradition, in the evolving context of the other three foundation stones, will lead the faithful to their spiritual aim.

Of the four corners, spiritual practice is the paramount 'Cornerstone'. With it in place, the other corners, and the house itself, are easily and naturally built. With spiritual awakening, Divine Support and Guidance comes to lead the way to the Kingdom of God.

"I will put my law in them, and write it in their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."

— Jeremiah 31:33

Also, worldly work can substitute as spiritual practice, as explained in the pillar below, and the societal mechanism described in the pillar after that will aid souls in finding an effective & suitable spiritual path.

Individual Worldly — Holy Spirit wants every soul to find their God-given Work in the world (Dharma). This is the work ideally suited to one's personal desire and nature. When such work is dedicated to, and serves the purpose of, building the Kingdom of God, it becomes true Divine Service, and in itself is a path to God.

Collective Worldly — Holy Spirit wants us to work together for a political-economic ideal that satisfies ALL (both the political left & right). This involves implementing the political and economic solutions Holy Spirit attests to in Her Revelation: a true rights-based society, and ideal free market system. Together, they ensure the human ideal of Liberty & Justice for ALL. They meet the wants and needs of both ends of the political spectrum, and also satisfy both individual and collective ideals. They end political fighting and gridlock, giving nations a plan their people can implement together.

Introduction to these ideas is found here: Free America (this site inspires America to first fulflill her own foundational ideal, then lead the world to it).

The worldly ideal of free markets is also a practical aid to promoting true and effective spiritual practice. Through market competition, made efficient by customer rating and ranking, a 'Spirit Market' will determine which spiritual paths, programs, practices, and promoters are best.

Collective Spiritual — Holy Spirit wants several 'universal' spiritual ideals adopted and put to use by society at large. These involve applying natural evolutionary laws (God's Will, in religious terms) to specific key sectors of society. The main two Holy Spirit attests to in Her Revelation are healthcare and physical structure. Holy Spirit wants holistic healthcare used for health maintenance and prevention, to complement our current system of treatment and cure. Holy Spirit also wants physical building to be done in accord with natural laws of placement, proportion, orientation, and other design elements, for optimal impact on residents.

India's ancient Vedic Tradition, which has been revived and restored in our modern day, has detailed instruction in both these fields, as Holy Spirit attests in Her Revelation.


Holy Spirit essentially declares, "if we build it — the Kingdom of God — He will come." We must play our role in the Divine Partnership. The Kingdom of God does not come by magic, and God will not save a people that do not care to save themselves. If we, the children of God, do our part, then God our Father, through Holy Spirit, our Holy Mother, will do His.

"If you love me, keep my commandments."

— John 14:15

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